Black Fox Services

Read through our extensive list of services and see why Black Fox
is the most complete timber management company around.
We stand by the work we do.

Timber Marking

"Thin from within"
Timber marking is an art. it takes a keen eye to visualize how a stand of timber will look after selective harvesting. Our timber marking crew has covered over 50,000 acres in the last 10 years, and have marked 250,000 MBD of timber and counting. Black Fox's crew is adapt at all types of silviculture prescrptions and with a little paint, can help guide your forest to its maximum growth potential. Our goal is to improve stand health in preparation of continued harvesting for years to come.

Timber Cruising

Inventory is an important part of timber land ownership. It is the foundation upon which major decisions rest. Your database needs to represent your land honestly and accurately. Our inventory department staffs between 6 to 12 cruisers year round. We do not subcontract large projects, so clients can be confident that they will be working with the same people year after year. By combining old-school experience with the latest field data collection technologies, we have reduced turn around from months to days. Our devotion to accuracy and integrity is second to none. Whether your project is 10 plots or 10,000 plots, you can trust that we will deliver quality information regardless of time contstraints.

Wildlife Surveys

Protecting wildlife is an important part of forestry, especially in California. Keeping current, accurate information on the location and habits of wildlife on your property can be one of the most complicated aspects of Timberland Management. Since 2011 Black Fox Timber Management, Inc. has successfully completed several large wildlife survey contracts for multiple land owners. Black Fox has conducted over 8,000 Northern Spotted Owl (NSO) station visits and several Activity Center Searches. The Black Fox Team has at its disposal a fully equipped fleet of trucks, AVTs, and snowmobiles to gain access to the most rugged and remote areas. We also employ a full time Mechanic to service our vehicles, so there is little to no downtime due to equipment failure. We use the latest in Radio Communications, GPS, and Digital Callers to increase the reliability of the information and to make sure that surveys are conducted as safely as possible. Black Fox has the staff, equipment, and experience to handle any size project with the highest level of professionalism. You can be confident that your company is making the best decisions for the future of its timberlands and the wildlife living within them.

Land Management

Our professional team works with property owners and investors to maximize the value and potential growth of their timberland. Black Fox understands that every ownership is unique and there is no universal approach to land management. We utilize our comprehensive range of services to design a custom plan that meets our client's long term goals. Black Fox can provide our clients with budgeting and financial forecasting reports, oversee timber harvest planning, log sales, and logging administration. Whether it's a one-time project or a multiple year relationship, we have the resources and expertise to create and implement a management plan tailored to your forested land.

Tree Mortality Programs

If you live anywhere near a pine tree, you've probabily heard of the Bark Beetle. Over 9 million trees have died in California alone due to these pests. What you may not know is there are over 600 different Bark Beetles that attack almost every tree species in the U.S.. Black Fox works closely with multiple adgencies to midigate trees that threaten our infrastructure. We also help to educate the public on the causes and potential solutions to this wide spread epidemic.

Forestry Technicians Training Program

Along with everything else Black Fox is also a school! We have created the most sucessful forestry technician training program on the west coast. Hosted through our local community college, this program offers comprehensive classroom and field experience which gives every student a leg up in this growing industry. With a 100% job placement record Black Fox can teach you the skills needed to become the future of forestry.

Timber Harvest Plans

In order to harvest trees on private or commercial land, California requires that a Registered Professional Forester (RPF) must prepare a document which outlines the proposed logging operations, known as a Timber Harvest Plan (THP). We employ a team of RPFs and foresters to prepare these documents properly. Black Fox works closely with CALFIRE and other agencies to make sure your plan is approved the first time.


The state allows less than three acres of your land to be converted from natural forest to non-forested under special exemption. We can help guide you through the process and file the correct paperwork so you can harvest your wood and develope the land the way you want.

Urban Forestry

Caring for forests doesn’t just mean places where we camp and fish. Cities and neighborhoods have diverse ecosystems of plants and trees that share space with or roads, structures and public utilities. Black Fox is uniquely adept at creating and implementing long term management strategies to lower fire risk, maintain health and increase beautification where we all work and live.


In the wake of natural disasters such as wildfires, it is crucial to implement an aggressive reforestation strategy to get your land back to what it does best... growing trees. Our reforestation specialists have the skills and certifications to implement a planting schedule that maximizes the survival of your new trees. The best laid plans start with a seed.

Geographic Information Systems

We utilize ArcGIS software to run spatial analysis for our clients. We can build, manipulate and update GIS databases for various types of management practices. Black Fox's GIS services include map preparation for enviromental documents, harvest unit layout, inventory cruise projects, wildlife surveys, and botanical surveys. We provide the service of collecting and editing geospatial data, creating statistical summaries and reports, maintaining metadata documentation and creating high quality cartographic products for our clients.

Archeological Surveys

Black Fox has an Archeologist on staff to survey, identify, catalogue, and protect any historically significant areas on your property. We have the ability to research your property’s history for historic and prehistoric sites. We will help you to protect and preserve the past to be studied far into the future.

Black Fox Clients

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